Have your loyal customers become wallpaper?

loyal customers become wallpaper

A while ago I was having a chat with my hairdresser. He admitted it was very easy to take advantage of loyal customers, to the point where they become like wallpaper. (Hint: when was the last time you looked at the wallpaper in your house?)

What do we mean by that?

In the case of the hair salon, those clients who visit regularly, make their next appointment before leaving, and keep coming back even when the price increases. In short, they are loyal and committed to you and your business.

Whilst you don’t run a hair salon, we’re guessing you too may have some customers who fall into this category.

But the trick is to ensure those customers don’t feel ignored. To make them feel special and appreciated. It could be that you could offer something special to your best customers – a discount, a free gift, or even an invitation to a special preview evening.

This can work just as well in a service and business to business environment as it can in a retail business.

Putting on exclusive events for VIP customers, or sending them a gift on the birthday of your business. After all, without them, you may not still be in business!

Get your marketing team to take a look at your customers’ current buying habits and try to offer them something they would really value from you. What’s important is to make sure your customers don’t feel taken for granted…

If you would like some help understanding how your customers feel, then give us a call on 01256 83 11 10.

Nicky Parker


I work with SMEs to deliver everything from strategy and planning to a fully outsourced marketing department for those who don’t want to do marketing in house.

Think of me as your Virtual Marketing Director.

As well as building Squarespace websites, we can help you with content, email marketing, blogging and social media as well as traditional marketing too.

We’ll even help you to work out what’s working and what needs fixing too.

I’d love to have a chat if you want some advice on a specific issue, so why not book a free call… https://doodle.com/bp/nickyparker/1-to-1-meeting 

I look forward to talking soon.


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