Who is your best customer?

We’ve talked before about working out who is your customer, and the importance of customer profiling.

We feel very strongly about this, so it is something we will come back to.

But, how are you going to judge who is your best customer?

  • The one who spends the most money with you

  • The most profitable for your business

  • The one you like working with the most

  • The one who enables you do your best work

  • The one giving you the most referrals

It is possible that more than one of these descriptions applies to some of your customers.

How you decide who is your best customer is up to you. Don’t fall into the trap of assuming it is necessarily the one who spends the most money with you – you may not be making much profit, or that customer may take up a large percentage of your time.

Why are we asking this question?

Because, to grow, you should be looking to “clone” your best customer. You need to understand just what makes that customer so special, before you can start looking around for more of the same.

And if you would like to find out what your customers think, please contact us.

Nicky Parker


I work with SMEs to deliver everything from strategy and planning to a fully outsourced marketing department for those who don’t want to do marketing in house.

Think of me as your Virtual Marketing Director.

As well as building Squarespace websites, we can help you with content, email marketing, blogging and social media as well as traditional marketing too.

We’ll even help you to work out what’s working and what needs fixing too.

I’d love to have a chat if you want some advice on a specific issue, so why not book a free call… https://doodle.com/bp/nickyparker/1-to-1-meeting 

I look forward to talking soon.


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